The St. Clair Catholic District School Board is preparing for a second deployment of Chromebooks and Special Education devices, to help get students connected during at-home distance learning. About 400 devices will be distributed during round two.
Last week more than 1,000 devices were deployed at 14 school locations across the St. Clair district. The distribution plan was approved by the Medical Officers of Health for Chatham-Kent and Lambton, and included a self-assessment for anyone attending the deployment sites, along with a distribution protocol designed to safeguard the health of staff and families.

These distributions ensure that students who do not have access to devices in the home will be able to fully participate in teacher-led distance learning. The Board is also developing a plan to assist students and families who do not currently have access to the internet through home wifi.

“It is important through these unprecedented times that every family is supported so that all students can continue to learn at home despite the school closures,” says Deb Crawford, Director of Education. “I want to express my sincere thanks to our Board staff for their tremendous work in developing and completing these major operations in relatively short order.”
Parents of students who do not have access to devices in the home should contact their principals.