St. Clair Catholic is doing its part to assist our communities in the battle against COVID-19. Late last week and over the weekend, community donations of non-perishable food items and personal protection equipment (PPE) were made in Chatham and Sarnia.

Personal Protection Equipment
Boxes containing face masks and more than 67,000 gloves were donated in both Chatham and Sarnia. In Sarnia the donation was dropped off to volunteers at Clearwater Arena and will be sorted and distributed to health care staff in hospitals, long-term care and retirement homes, home care, hospices and other organizations to assist with urgent needs. In Chatham, the donation was made at the St. Clair College Healthplex.

“We are proud to do our part to assist the brave men and women in the health care sector who are on the front lines in the battle against COVID-19,” says Deb Crawford, Director of Education. “We are in their debt for the service they provide in helping to keep us all safe during this pandemic. Our prayers go out to them and their families.”
Food Donations
Non-perishable food items from schools, including fruit cups, granola bars and rice cakes, have been donated to the Inn of the Good Shepherd in Sarnia and Chatham Outreach for Hunger. Schools in smaller communities across the district distributed food items directly to local food banks.

“We know there are many families who rely on student nutrition programs when students are in school,” says Mrs. Crawford. “It’s important that we get whatever food items are currently going un-used in schools into the hands of our community partners who are helping to supply children and families with food. We are grateful to the community food banks and the many organizations who are working to fill this need.”
Special thanks to the Board’s Facility Services staff for collecting the food and PPE from schools and delivering it to the donation centres.