Expectations During Distance Learning
At St. Clair Catholic all classrooms are using a variety of digital learning platforms to engage students in distance learning. In addition, staff are able to use a variety of digital tools to enhance the learning experience for students. The Ministry of Education has provided Boards with a framework for curriculum focus and minimum hours for at home learning for elementary and secondary students. Visit the Parent Learning Hub for more information.
Educators are connecting with students daily to lead learning that addresses overall curriculum expectations. Instructional strategies will vary. To provide support to students and families, educators will establish predetermined hours of instruction. French, Music, Physical Education and French Immersion Science will be provided by our Itinerant Teachers. We recognize that all our families are facing unique situations and we understand that there is a need to be flexible.
Assessment and Evaluation
All students will receive final report cards in June, including the Kindergarten Communication of Learning. We want to be very clear. No student will be harmed by the school closure. Elementary students will be assessed in the form of feedback or formative assessment, rather than grading. Students in secondary school will receive both formative and summative assessments but teachers will ensure that no student is penalized if the current circumstance has a negative impact on academic achievement. Students can work to improve their marks for the June report; however, grades and marks will not be lower than the standing as of March 13, 2020. Every effort is being made to engage students in their learning and to prepare them with the knowledge and skills needed for success in the next grade, course or postsecondary destination.
Sacramental Preparation
Springtime in our schools is usually a busy time of preparation for the Sacraments. Many of our students and their families are preparing for First Communion and Confirmation. Bishop Fabbro is providing regular updates to the Diocese of London website at www.dol.ca so that families can find information regarding Sacraments and COVID-19 updates there.
Graduation Ceremonies
We fully recognize the importance of celebrating the achievements of our 2020 graduating classes. We are so proud of their accomplishments and their hard work and determination during this period of distance learning.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone graduation ceremonies at our secondary schools in the interest of public health and safety. We are however determined to honour the Class of 2020 and it is our intention to arrange Fall Graduation Ceremonies for St. Patrick’s and Ursuline College Catholic secondary schools. If our elementary students do not return to our schools in June, we also plan to arrange for Fall graduation celebrations for our Grade 8 students.
Although we know that postponing these important events will be a disappointment, please know that our Fall graduation ceremonies will capture all of the joy and hope for the future that these milestone events celebrate each year. We will communicate further details when they are finalized.
ThoughtExchange “You Tell Us…Distance Learning 101”
As we look ahead to the next month (or two) of distance learning, we would like to invite parents, guardians and students to provide us with some advice and insights into your experiences with Distance Learning. How is it working for your family? How can we better work together to address the challenges that have arisen during this unique time?You can share this information with us through an online Thoughtexchange consultation. Our Thoughtexchange question is this, “Together, how can we support the learning journey for our students during this time of distance learning?”
Thoughtexchange has three steps:

- Share – first share your thoughts independently and confidentially;
- Star – next consider and rate thoughts shared by others;
- Discover – and finally, we all learn what ideas we have in common and what we can do as a Board to make the learn at home experience better.
Go to https://my.thoughtexchange.com/108467305 or https://tinyurl.com/ybz52f3a or use the QR Code and start the conversation today!