As we look ahead to the next month (or two) of distance learning, we would like to invite parents/guardians, students and staff to provide us with some advice and insights into your experiences. How is it working for your family? How can we better work together to address challenges that have arisen during this unique time? Share your thoughts and suggestions through our online Thoughtexchange community consultation.
Our Thoughtexchange question is this, “Together, how can we support the learning journey for our students during this time of distance learning?” Thoughtexchange has three steps:

- Share – first share your thoughts independently and confidentially;
- Star – next consider and rate thoughts shared by others;
- Discover – and finally, we all learn what ideas we have in common and what we can do as a Board to make the learn at home experience better.
Visit ThoughtExchange or use the QR Code and start the conversation today! The Thoughtexchange closes Sunday, May 17th.