Good News. Our Bishop, Bishop Ronald Fabbro, has given us the go ahead to have the celebration of Eucharist. The Pandemic Response Team has decided that in order to protect the parishioners who attend that they will be protected and able to celebrate their faith without fear. We are looking forward to welcoming you home.
The restrictions for safe gatherings call us to be responsible on the number of people who gather together for worship. The capacity of attendance will be 30 %. In order to maintain a sanitized environment we will only open one of our churches – Blessed Sacrament. We will be offering three celebrations of Eucharist – one on Saturday evening at 5 pm.; one on Sunday at 9 am.; and one on Sunday at Noon (this one being a bilingual Mass in English and Polish).
To attend one of these Masses you will have to register either online at our Parish Website or by phoning the Office 519-352-9483. You are asked to only attend every second weekend in order that others can have the chance to attend.
When you arrive at Church you will be required to wear a mask. Everyone who attends will be masked and be asked questions concerning COVID19 virus.
We are really happy that you will come and celebrate our faith. We want you to know that your welfare is paramount in our precautions. Be well. Be safe.