Beginning on July 31, 2020, surveys were emailed to all parents/guardians regarding the return to school at St. Clair Catholic. The survey deadline has been extended until August 14, 2020. At this time, the Ministry of Education has not provided all of the information needed for our planning. We understand that parents/guardians require more information in order to make an informed decision.
In addition, some emails to parents/guardians bounced back due to incorrect email addresses. Our IT staff is working through these issues. Thank you for your patience.
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Please note, the Board’s secondary school program model has not yet been approved by the Ministry of Education. More information will be shared in this space as it becomes available.
Since June, the focus for St. Clair Catholic’s #SeptemberReady planning team has been to identify risks and put in place measures to manage those risks. Our plan is based on guidance from the public health authorities and the Ministry of Education and makes the health, safety and mental wellbeing of students and staff our top priority.
As more information becomes available, we will update our FAQ page.