Welcome Back!
Today marks the full return of all students to our elementary and secondary schools, following our staggered entry process. I want to extend a warm welcome to all students, in both our in-person classrooms at school and those who are attending school virtually in our new Remote Learning School.
Our new Remote Learning School has nearly 70 staff members with approximately 710 elementary and 450 secondary students. Special thanks to Principal Rob Cicchelli, Vice Principal Mike Giroux and their dedicated staff for their great work in meeting the challenges of establishing a brand new school!
I also want to thank our students, staff, principals and vice principals in schools right across the system, who have adjusted to the important new health and safety routines. These new measures are the result of tremendous planning from our #SeptemberReady team, with great support from our public health partners. In all of our preparations, the health, safety and wellness of our students and staff has been our number one priority.
New Provincial Daily COVID-19 Screening Assessment Tool
The Ontario government has released an updated COVID-19 daily school screening assessment tool, which is available at: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/

All students (or parents/guardians on behalf of students), staff and visitors must complete the screening before attending a school or facility of the St. Clair Catholic District School Board.
Returning Board Owned Technology
Last spring during the school shutdown, St. Clair Catholic distributed more than 1,800 devices to students and families across the district, to allow all students to participate in teacher led distance learning at home. It is important now that those devices which are no longer needed be returned to the Board, so that they can be redeployed, as required.
For students who borrowed Board devices last spring:
- If you are attending virtual school and still need the device, please continue to use it;
- If you are attending virtual school and no longer need the device, please arrange to return it to your home school by contacting the principal;
- If you are attending in-person classroom learning, please bring the device to school with you. Your teacher will instruct you where to deposit the device;
- If you have changed schools, you can return your device to your current school;
- If you have SEA devices, please ensure to bring them with you if you are returning to school so that you can continue to use it.
If you have any questions, please contact your principal.