For the first time, Grade 9 students at Ursuline College Chatham and St. Patrick’s Catholic High School, Sarnia got a virtual introduction to the school and connected with their Link program leaders online.
“Our Lancer Link program is an important introduction to the high school setting for our Grade 9 students,” says Megan Brewer, a teacher at UCC and Lancer Link staff organizer. “Due to COVID-19 we had to change up the way our senior students leaders met their Grade 9s. I think the virtual meetings were a great success!”

The senior students were each assigned a group of Grade 9 students, whom they connected with through a Google Meet, where they interacted, participated in fun activities, and helped the new students to understand what to expect in their high school.
The Irish Link program at St. Patrick’s was also conducted virtually this year.
“The online meeting was an opportunity for our Grade 9s to connect with their Link student leaders and begin building connections with their new Irish family,” says Chris Kehoe, Principal of St. Patrick’s Catholic High School. “The message to our newest students is that they are never alone and there will always be someone to support them.”
At UCC, senior student leaders also welcomed the Grade 9 students when they arrived for their first day of classes on Monday, September 14.

“It was an awesome welcome!” says Ms. Brewer. “Respecting physical distancing, our student leaders lined Grand Avenue with signs and cheers as the buses arrived bringing our Grade 9s to their first day of classes. It was a perfect demonstration of the way Lancers take care of each other!”