Chatham-Kent Lambton Administrative School Services (CLASS) is encouraging parents, students, school staff and motorists to recognize the importance of school bus safety within our communities. In addition, CLASS is urging children and parents to say a special ‘thank you’ to the many dedicated bus drivers, who ensure students arrive safely at school every day.

National School Bus Safety Week is a public education program that is observed throughout North America during the third full week of October each year. The theme for this year’s campaign is “Red Lights Mean STOP!”
“This annual observance is a great opportunity for each of us to pause and reflect on the importance of school bus safety as well as recognizing the diligent work of our school bus drivers and operators, especially during these challenging pandemic times” says Kent Orr, CLASS General Manager. “We ask that our students and parents join us in showing our appreciation to the women and men who keep our students safe on the ride to school and back home every day.”
School Bus Driver Appreciation Day, which is also a nationally recognized observance, falls on Wednesday, October 21, 2020.