In January 2017, former Director of Education Dan Parr enlisted the professional services of Diocese of London Archivist Deb Majer and Father Greg Blonde to research and write a history of Catholic education in Kent and Lambton Counties. With support for the project from Chair of the Board John Van Heck and Trustee Carol Bryden, the work began.
Copies of the book were presented to the Board of Trustees at the Tuesday, November 24, 2020 Regular Board Meeting.
“Under Deb Majer’s leadership, research material that was scattered and held in various archives was carefully and meticulously located and documented,” says Deb Crawford, Director of Education. “Now, thanks to this record, the history of the Catholic school system in Kent and Lambton Counties, including the formation of local school boards and the tremendous influence by religious communities, is preserved for future generations. What a tremendous resource!”
A history of Catholic education in Ontario is also included in the book.

In her remarks to the Board, Ms. Majer expressed her appreciation for the editorial assistance she received from Trustee Carol Bryden and Todd Lozon, Supervisor of Communications and Community Relations.
The support of Father Greg Blonde for this project cannot be overstated. Without his generous personal donations, the history of schools in the St. Clair Catholic district would not have been told.
“We are grateful for Father Greg’s dedication to the preservation of this important history and for the funding he has provided,” says Mrs. Crawford.
Copies of the book will now be distributed to every school in the district to add to their library collections, to our parishes and to the Chatham-Kent and Lambton Public Libraries.