The St. Clair Catholic District School Board has selected the architect to design the new Catholic French Immersion school in Sarnia.
“I am pleased to announce Cornerstone Architecture of London will lead the design of our new school,” says Amy Janssens, Associate Director & Treasurer of the Board.
“Through our RFP (Request for Proposals) process, Cornerstone emerged as the successful proponent to assist the Board in developing a sustainable school, incorporating environmental and energy efficiency principles in a state-of-the-art 21st century facility,” says Mrs. Janssens.
The Board has worked with Cornerstone on past projects, including its newest school, St. Angela Merici Catholic School in Chatham, which opened in September 2020.
“Cornerstone will help the Board lead a consultation to gather input from all stakeholders, including parents, students, staff, Trustees and senior administration, as part of the school design process,” says Deb Crawford, Director of Education. “We will be releasing more information about this important step in the process in the future.”
The RFP for architectural services was issued in November 2020 and seven proposals were received. Evaluation team members individually reviewed and scored the proposals based on the criteria outlined in the RFP and met to review their findings in January. Based on the collective scoring and the consensus of the committee, Cornerstone was selected as the clear choice.
As part of its proposal, Cornerstone outlined its approach to the design process, including the ability to develop consensus and to successfully meet program requirements, while being mindful of schedule and budget restraints.
“Cornerstone also understands the importance of this project to the Board and to the community,” says Mrs. Janssens. “We look forward to working with them on another successful school construction project.”