Dear Parents/Guardians and Staff:
I am pleased to forward to you my Director’s Annual Report 2020.
Although 2019-2020 was a year in which the Board faced many challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, I am pleased to report that our Catholic learning communities responded with courage and faith in our vocations, as servants in Catholic education and as the living hands and feet of Jesus Christ.
The report highlights many examples of learning and growing in our faith, which demonstrate that we have achieved our goals for all learners as articulated in our new mission statement: Learning together today, transforming tomorrow.

This is the first Director’s Annual Report to align with the priorities as stated in our new strategic plan: Learning & Innovation; Faith & Wellbeing; Partnerships; and Catholic Citizenship. Through each of these pillars, the report profiles the many ways in which our school communities and our Board have lived out our new strategic plan. Whether in-class or virtually, our focus has been our commitment to learning and innovation through the teaching of future-ready transferable skills.
The Catholic values, which are the very foundation of everything we do, are also highlighted throughout this report. The Board’s multi-year Pastoral Theme “Caring for our Common Home” demonstrates our commitment to honour God’s creation as blessed and sacred. In partnership with our families, parishes and communities, St. Clair Catholic is helping to fulfill our promise to transform tomorrow through our faith-filled efforts every day.
Throughout the year, the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to change the way do many things but it also showed us a great deal about the abilities of our students and our staff. Despite the obstacles presented by the pandemic, the St. Clair Catholic community – students, educators, support staff and families – rose to the challenge. Our students demonstrated their resilience and perseverance, which are excellent skills to carry them into the future!
Deb Crawford
Director of Education