Please join us on Thursday, February 11th for our February Speaker Series. Expert Dr. Barbara Ward, Mental Health Lead for the Waterloo District School Board, will be presenting to parents, staff, and community partners on why self care is even more important during a pandemic. Together, we will learn about how to mitigate stress levels, especially as they relate to the pandemic, by focusing on the positive and seeing things in a different way. We will review the benefits of shifting your brain to this resilient approach, and learn specific strategies that can enhance these neurological changes. A collective approach to self care will also be explored, given the interconnectedness of student, educator, and parent/caregiver well-being.

Register for this session today by going to this link: Registration is required to attend. All presentation links and session recordings will be posted to our SCC Wellbeing Groups on Edsby, to our Staff and Parent Learning Hubs, and also to our Board’s main website under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Tab. SCC Wellbeing Groups have been made for both parents and staff on Edsby; please check it out and enable notifications so that you can stay up to date on important and exciting information that is relevant to you and your family.
Registration is FREE and the Deadline to signup is February 10th.
WHEN: Thursday, February 11th, 2021 @ 3:30-4:30pm
WHERE: Online via Microsoft Teams
WHO: Open to all SCCDSB Staff, Parents, & Community Partners (At no cost)
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Wednesday, Feb. 10th, 2021 (11:59pm)