The design process is underway for the new Gregory A. Hogan Catholic School, which will be built on The Rapids Parkway in Sarnia.
“This is an important step in the process,” says Deb Crawford, Director of Education. “We want stakeholders to have a say in what they value as the plans for the design of this new school are developed.”

On January 26, 2021 the Board announced that Cornerstone Architecture of London had been selected to design the new building. Alison Hannay is the lead architect for the project and she is currently facilitating a series of virtual input sessions with stakeholders.
We are pleased to have an enthusiastic and dedicated group of people who are committed to developing a vision for what the new Gregory A. Hogan Catholic French Immersion school will look like when it opens in September 2023,” says Scott Johnson, Superintendent of Education.

The input session participants include students, parents, teaching and support staff from Gregory A. Hogan Catholic School, and support staff from Special Education, Catholic Learning Services, CLASS, Facility Services and senior administration. A session was also scheduled for Trustees and a child care user group will provide input into the five child care classrooms that will be included in the new school.