Three ply face masks, featuring authentic Indigenous artwork, have been made available to students in the St. Clair Catholic District School Board. The face masks are a gift to the Board by Steve Tooshkenig, a member of the Bkejwanong Territory and Tyson Wesley, owner of Indigenous Face
The Board also purchased some additional masks.
“We are honoured by this generous gift,” says Deb Crawford, Director of Education. “Through the artistic images imprinted on them, the masks are a beautiful expression of Indigenous culture.”

The masks feature artwork by several Indigenous artists. A limited number have been shipped to elementary schools across the district for distribution to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students.
Mr. Tooshkenig and Mr. Wesley contacted the Board with their offer to make masks available following the Ontario government’s directive earlier this month, which made masks mandatory for students in Grades 1 to 3.