What have you been doing to celebrate Lent? St. Clair Catholic is encouraging staff and students to share their Lenten experiences and traditions by sending in a photo and/or story.

This could be something you are doing as a classroom, as a family, or simply something you are doing through your own personal Lenten journey. As part of the Classroom and School Lent Challenge, you are encouraged to share how your class loves like Jesus and leaves a ‘heart print’ on the lives of others. You can participate by completing three easy steps to celebrate Lent: 1) Make a class promise, 2) Keep the promise, and 3) Document and SHARE your promise using #SCCDSB on social media, post to River on EDSBY, or send in your photo or story to our System Chaplaincy Leader.

Check out the self portraits one class made with charcoal after listening to mass on Ash Wednesday. If you have something exciting that you would like to share with St. Clair Catholic, please send it to: margaret.palmer@st-clair.net.