Construction at the Baldoon Road site of the new Monsignor Uyen Catholic School is on schedule, with a completion date of July 30, 2021. The former Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School was closed at the end of June 2020, and all students transferred to the new St. Angela Merici Catholic School on McNaughton Avenue, West.

The Baldoon Road project is 82 percent complete, with remaining construction at the site to include:
- Partial roof – north portion of school
- School signage on Baldoon Road
- Rear exterior asphalt replacement
- Supply and install 84 lockers
- Replace roof top units for the child care area
- Install access control at all exterior doors
- New PA system, security system and phone system

“We are very pleased with the pace of construction on this project,” says Deb Crawford, Director of Education. “We look forward to beginning to transition our staff into the building over the summer and will be ready to welcome students in September!”

Administration office furniture will be ordered and installed in late May. Learning Commons furniture will arrive in late June and classroom furniture will be moved from the current Monsignor Uyen to the Baldoon Road site at the end of June.
“This is an exciting time for our French Immersion students in Chatham, as we look forward to September,” says Mrs. Crawford.