Students and staff at St. Michael Catholic School in Bright’s Grove were given a big ‘thank you’ recently by Point Edward Mayor Bev Hand, on behalf of the Village Council.
“We were overwhelmed by the amount of support shown by the students and staff of St. Mike’s School, towards our art project to adorn the walls of the mass vaccination centre in Point Edward,” says Mayor Hand, in a letter to the school.

In March, the Village’s Emergency Management Coordinator sent out a call to several schools for student artwork, to be displayed at the vaccination centre. There was strong participation from St. Michael students and staff, with artwork pieces from several classrooms being forwarded.
“This was a great idea to involve the students in a community project and to provide another teaching moment through the classrooms,” says Mayor Hand.
“When I went to get my own vaccination, it was heartwarming to see so much of the work of our students proudly displayed throughout the centre,” says Steve DeGurse, Principal of St. Michael Catholic School. “Our students and staff have a great tradition of supporting our local community.”