Chatham-Kent Public Health and Lambton Public Health are offering COVID-19 vaccination clinics specifically for 12 to 17-year-olds. For the details, please see the information below.

For 12 to 17 year olds in Chatham-Kent…
CK Public Health has added new clinic dates where youth 12-17 can now book appointments. Beginning this Saturday, May 29 and onward, youth 12-17 can book into Pfizer vaccine clinics online without any pre-registration.
Due to a high volume of phone calls, there may be delays in booking appointments for families who completed the pre-registration form last week. Caregivers are invited to now book online directly to save time in securing an appointment time.
For those who already have a booked date in late June, but would like one sooner, please book a new appointment and complete this cancellation form afterwards for the previously booked date.
Visit here for more information.

For 12 to 17 year olds in Lambton County…
Lambton Public Health is inviting families with children ages 12-17 to book into their Community Clinic in Point Edward. We will also be opening additional clinics in Forest and Wyoming for this age group. Please ensure you choose the clinic that specifies ages 12-17 when booking online. There should be enough availability for parents and other family members to book an appointment close to the same time.
Register for these clinics online or call our Vaccine Booking Call centre at 226-254-8222.
For more information, please see our News Release.
Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe!