Again this year, St. Clair Catholic schools and the Catholic Education Centre will support, through School Cash Online, the annual poppy fundraisers at Royal Canadian Legion Branches across the district. In the past, Legion branches have dropped off poppies and cash collection boxes at schools and at the Catholic Education Centre in Wallaceburg. However, as a result of precautions due to COVID-19, cash donations are not currently being accepted at schools and Board offices.
“We want to continue to support the work of our friends at the Legion branches across the district,” says Scott Johnson, Director of Education. “That’s why we’re using School Cash Online again this year. It’s a simple and convenient way to make a donation and it does not require our staff to handle cash.”
The donated funds will be held at the schools and each school will write a cheque to their local Legion branch after November 11.

Schools will distribute poppies in a manner that minimizes the handling of the poppies, avoids close contact between individuals and observes proper hand hygiene, as advised by Public Health Ontario.
“I want to thank all of our students, families and staff for their donations as we try, where possible, to support our community partners, who are also impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Mr. Johnson.