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Prayers for the Ukraine and Resources for Impacted Families

The humanitarian crisis currently unfolding in the Ukraine will impact Ukrainians families in Canada and around the world.  Most of us struggle with feelings of helplessness, whenever we are confronted with global events that are outside of our control.  School Mental Health Ontario has developed tip sheets to help people cope with tragic world events.  If you or your child are struggling with feelings of anxiety and need support, please refer to the resources below, visit the Mental Health and Wellbeing page on the Board website, or contact your school.

SMHO Resources:

  1. How to help children after tragic events
  2. Tragic events response tip sheet
SCCDSB Prays for Ukraine and All Families Impacted

A Prayer for the People of Ukraine

God of infinite mercy and goodness, with grateful hearts we pray to You today for Peace. You offer us Your peace continually and remind us that peacemakers are blessed, “for they shall be called children of God” (Mt.5:9). May Your voice resound in the hearts of all, as You call us to follow the path of reconciliation, peace and mercy.

We pray for the people of the Ukraine, who are experiencing conflict and suffering. Bless the leaders with wisdom, vision and the perseverance needed to build together a world of justice and solidarity, and to break down walls of hostility and division.

To You Lord, we entrust all Ukrainian families in Canada and around the world, and pray that they may never yield to discouragement and despair; but become encouragers of hope to one another in this challenging time.

We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Adapted from St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Catholic Church, Calgary