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Director’s Annual Report for 2021-2022 Presented to Board of Trustees

Director of Education Scott Johnson has presented to the Board of Trustees his report on Board activities for the 2021-2022 school year.  The Director’s Annual Report 2022 is a compilation of just some of the many achievements, educational programs and activities undertaken by students and staff throughout the 2021-2022 school year.

“In reviewing the pages of this report, I am astounded at the depth and breadth of the great work across the system, despite the challenges of a second year of COVID-19,” says Mr. Johnson.

“I know that, as you read through the pages of this report, you agree that we have much to celebrate at St. Clair Catholic,” says Mr. Johnson.  It is indeed a great news report – a testament to the innovation, resilience and compassion with which our school communities faced the trials of the pandemic.  As a result, we have begun the 2022-2023 school year with a renewed sense of optimism and a hopeful spirit that will guide us toward better days.”

“These were challenging times; but with our focus on mental health and well-being for all, our students had the assurance they were safe and cared for,” says John Van Heck, Chair of the Board.  “With our faith to guide us, there was always hope for a brighter tomorrow.”

The 72-page report is organized according to the Board’s priorities, as set out in the 2022-2026 strategic plan – Learning & Innovation; Faith & Well-Being; Partnerships; and Catholic Citizenship.

The Education Act requires that the Director of Education submit a report of Board activities annually to the Board of Trustees and the Minister of Education.  The Director’s Annual Report 2022 is now posted to the Board website and has been forwarded to the Minister of Education.  It will also be shared with staff, families, our parish partners and other publicly funded school boards across the province.