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Students Send Valentine’s Wishes of Love and Encouragement to Seniors in Wallaceburg and on Walpole Island

Residents of seniors’ residences in Wallaceburg and on Walpole Island will receive Valentine’s messages and a carnation, thanks to Westbrook’s Flower Shoppe in Wallaceburg and several area schools.

“Westbrook’s threw out an invitation to students at schools across Chatham-Kent to provide greeting cards with Valentine’s messages of love and encouragement,” says Stacy Shepley, Principal of St. Elizabeth Catholic School.  “Today, shopping bags filled with cards arrived at the school, along with bunches of carnations from Wesbrook’s!” 

Students at both St. Elizabeth and Holy Family Catholic schools volunteered to assemble the cards and the carnations into gift packages, to be shipped to the seniors’ residences.

“Our Caring Cardinals faith and wellness group pitched in to help with this important job,” says Colleen Cogghe, Principal of Holy Family Catholic School.  “What a tremendous gift this will be for our local seniors.”

Special thanks to Wesbrook’s Flower Shoppe and the many student from schools across Chatham-Kent who participated.