UCC’s 1,250-member student body and 120-plus staff were invited to a special luncheon today, featuring rice dishes from around the world.
Rice is Nice, a partnership with the Ontario Student Nutrition Program (OSNP), featured rice dishes from Nigeria, Japan, Canada’s First Nations, Tanzania, El Salvador and the Mediterranean.
“Our school celebrates equity, inclusion, cultural diversity and student engagement,” says Lisa Harnarine, Principal of Ursuline College. “This event is a perfect way to honour all of the many cultures from around the world represented in our student body and at the same time raise awareness about the Ontario Student Nutrition Program.”
Recipes for the rice dishes were gathered from students and prepared by the school’s culinary arts program, under the leadership of Janine Deneau and Mary Lynne Selina.
The Rice is Nice event coincides with Nutrition Month and OSNP’s Soup for School Food Community Campaign. Fifteen restaurants across Chatham-Kent are participating in the Soup for School campaign. Proceeds from soup orders in participating restaurants go to support OSNP Chatham-Kent’s 41 school programs.
The UCC event was a joint effort from the UCC United Alliance and Kidwin Zhiingwaak (FMNI) student groups, with tremendous guidance and support from UCC Chaplaincy Leader Margaret Palmer. Both student groups work to provide opportunities for students to experience culturally diverse foods.
“What a thrilling day for the students and staff at Ursuline College,” says Rosanna Waldram, Coordinator of OSNP Chatham-Kent. “The culinary classes cooked all day long yesterday in order to have enough food to serve the entire school community. It was an amazing event!”

“My thanks to the staff and the many students who helped make this day possible,” says Scott Johnson, Director of Education. “It was a day of learning in diversity and culture; of support for the Ontario Student Nutrition Program … and just plain fun! Well done!”