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June is Pride Month in Ontario

The rainbow flag will fly at all elementary and secondary schools and the Catholic Education Centre for the month of June, as a symbol of welcoming and inclusive school communities at St. Clair Catholic.  June is designated as PRIDE month in communities across Ontario. During this month, and every month of the year, our schools are committed to nurturing inclusive Catholic learning environments, where every student and every member of the community is welcomed, safe, valued and respected.

As Catholics, we believe that everyone is wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God, who created us and loves us unconditionally.   We are called to love one another, just as God loves each one of us.  At St. Clair Catholic, we work to end all forms of bullying and discrimination, as we honour the inherent dignity in each of us by treating one another with care, compassion, and respect. 

As a Catholic school system, we continue to teach the religion curriculum through the Fully Alive and Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ programs, which are approved and supported by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario.

The Church recognizes and defends the human rights of each person, principles that are further enshrined in law through the Ontario Human Rights Code.  As educators and caring adults, we have a duty to protect and accompany every student, especially the most marginalized.