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UCC Students Shine at Special Olympics Basketball Games

In a remarkable display of skill, determination, and camaraderie, UCC students Luc A, Noah C, Christian K, and Nathan C participated in the Special Olympics basketball games this past week at the University of Guelph, Ridgetown. The event was a resounding success, promoting physical activity while fostering teamwork, sportsmanship, and inclusivity.

The atmosphere was electric as athletes from various schools showcased their basketball talents and determination. The day celebrated diversity and unity, with new friendships forming both on and off the court. A particularly heartwarming moment saw Christian K forging a new friendship with an athlete from a Sudbury school, embodying the true spirit of the Special Olympics.

“The Special Olympics highlight the incredible spirit and talent of our students,” said Jennifer Bos, Program Resource Teacher. “It’s a joy to see them support each other and form new connections over their passion for the game.”

The team from UCC embodied true sportsmanship, encouraging teammates and competitors alike. Scott Johnson, Director of Education, praised the team: “Our students truly exemplify what sports are all about—coming together, supporting one another, and celebrating each individual’s unique abilities.”

The participation of Luc, Noah, Christian, and Nathan was a testament to their hard work on the court and as a team. The event left them with lasting memories and newfound friendships, showcasing the unifying power of sports.