Ursuline College Chatham (UCC) is once again gearing up for their annual Lancers Scare Hunger event, organized by the UCC CARES Club. On Halloween night, UCC students will take to the streets of Chatham, collecting canned and non-perishable food items to support Chatham Outreach for Hunger.
“Lancers Scare Hunger is more than just a food drive—it’s a proud UCC tradition that showcases the heart and spirit of our school community,” says Lisa Harnarine, principal at UCC. “Our students look forward to this event each year, and it’s incredible to see the way our neighbours respond with generosity and support.”
Hundreds of UCC students and volunteers will be out from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on October 31, visiting neighbourhoods across the city to collect non-perishable donations. Community members who won’t be home can leave donations on their porches with a label marked ‘UCC’ or ‘donation.’
The contributions gathered through Lancers Scare Hunger are crucial in helping Chatham Outreach for Hunger meet the increased demand during the holiday season, ensuring that those in need have access to essential resources.