Dear Families, Staff, Parishes, and Community Partners,
Advent is a time of anticipation, a sacred season when we prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus, the Light of the World. It is a time to reflect on the blessings we have received and to renew our hope in the promise of His birth, which brings peace, joy, and love into our lives.
This year, our theme, Pilgrims of Hope, invites us to journey with purpose and faith, much like the wise men who followed the star to Bethlehem. As we light the candles of the Advent wreath, we are reminded that even the smallest flicker of light can dispel the darkest night—and that light grows stronger with each passing week, just as our hope in Christ does.
Advent is not only a time for inner reflection but also a time to act. Across our Catholic school communities, I see the spirit of the season alive in the countless acts of kindness and charity—from supporting local families in need to reaching out to our global brothers and sisters. Thank you for the way you live your faith and inspire hope in others.
As we look ahead to the New Year, may we embrace our pilgrimage of hope, carrying the light of Christ with us into every aspect of our lives. Together, let us continue to spread His love and joy, knowing that His presence among us brings meaning and purpose to all we do.
May this Advent season be filled with blessings for you and your loved ones. May hope, peace, joy, and love fill your hearts as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, our King and Saviour.
God bless,
Scott Johnson
Director of Education
Advent Prayer
Lord God,
The season of Advent, which begins today, is a time to prepare our hearts for the feast of Christmas. Throughout the next four weeks, we ask you, Lord, to send us your Holy Spirit to help us prepare our hearts for the birth of your son Jesus. Amen